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What if you knew earlier?

Our Theory of Change

By simplifying the learning process of navigating society's systems and providing actionable guidance for emerging adults to align their choices with their vision of an ideal life, we can save them time, money, and health so they can achieve a newfound freedom.


This in action triggers a chain of events that will bring inclusive growth to all people, and the networks that power our society.

Image by Geran de Klerk

We believe life literacy should be a guided process.

We believe knowledge on what to do with your money is a right, not a privilege.

We believe in optimizing the important decisions you make.

Our Vision is to bridge the life literacy gap to enable more people to attain fulfilling lifestyles and improve our societal systems.

We achieve this by providing the knowledge and tools you need to minimize your regrets.

Live the LyfeLit Mindset

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